The Commercial Game Of The Month has got to be Push Over by Red Rat Software from 1992!
You star as Ant, whos job it is to go down the Rabbit Hole and re-arrange Dominoes in such a way that they all topple on the first push, allowing the Exit Door to open so you can complete the level
The Game itself was sponsored by Smiths Crisps, who made Quavers, hence the mascot of Colin Curly, who loses them down a Hole, and Ant replies “ILL GET THEM” and goes down the Hole in order to retrive them, which is a really nice touch, The full Game has 100 Levels in it, This Demo has 3 Levels
Pushover looks like it is quite a simple Game, But do not be fooled, This Game is quite taxing, you basically need to re-arrange various blocks in a certain order, so they will all fall over with one push, and then allow the Exit Door to open so you can walk through it
However, Some levels are tricky and it may take a few attempts at getting it exactly right, I have to admit, I am not very good at these sort of Games, but that does not stop me trying, and failing, badly heh
The Blocks you have are, Standard, Stopper, Splitter, Exploder, Delay, Tumbler, Bridger, Vanish, Trigger and Ascender – All with unique abilities, which need to be placed in a set order so they all fall down with one huge big push on the first domino
The Demo version has decent Title Screen Music, and all the In-Game Sound Effects you would expect, and gives you a brief insight of the Full Game, which also has a nice starting animation featuring Colin from Quavers Crisps, who loses them down a hole, and points to you to go and rescue them (UK Crisps Manufacturer)
Code: Dave Elcock, Helen Elcock, Keith Watterson
Graphics: Bryan King, Barry S. Armstrong
Music: Keith Tinman, Dean Evans, Jonathan Dunn