Since I have announced the end of this Gaming Blog at the end of December 2025 – I have now decided to whack as many Games onto the Collection as I possibly can, meaning you get More Games to play, at the small cost of No Review, I will be still doing the Friday Reviews […]
Category: Other: Information
This category will just contain General Information regarding any Updates or Changes I make during the course of bringing you Amiga Boing Blog
Blog Ending – Dec 2025
I am looking for someone to completely take over the helm at Amiga Boing Blog at the End of this Year in December 2025 Sadly I have to hang up my hat here, Real Life Issues, which I do not wish to discuss, have been building up over quite a while now, and I feel […]
Changes To Updater

I have made some changes to the Updater this month, Basically renamed the Update file itself, so I can push out more Updates each month Instead of it downloading “Update-yyyy-mm.7z” it will now look for “Update.7z” as I think this is a better way going forward, so if I release updates, I can just notify […]
More Kickstart 1.3 Games Coming In 2025

I am now working through The Assassins Disks, and many of those Games will not run correctly under Kickstart 2/3 so they will need to be included on the Kickstart 1.3-side of the Games Collection These will be split into sections, as there were quite a lot of them, around 260+ disks stuffed full of […]
Real Life Issues
I have been trying to bottle it up for a while, infact since February, But this week it made me miss Fridays Game Review, for which I apologise so much My Auntie, who has suffered with Skitsophrenia mostly all her life, since around her teenage years, has become very ill since February, and has been […]
In order to make it easier, I have written a Update batch file for you so you can just download the “Updates” for the previous month rather than having to download a 50MB+ archive each month The August 2023 Update on this website contains the FULL Update for the month of July 2023, so you […]
I have been quite interested in the Evercade for quite a while now, But even more so recently, due to the latest cartridges being released, which peaked my interest even more The Evercade is a handheld portable Gaming Console, which has Cartridges you slot into the back, then you are presented with the Games all […]
WHDLoad not working
I have been getting some feedback regarding WHDLoad Games, saying that they are not working, this is usually because the Kickstart ROM files are not on the “Amiga side” of the image, meaning that WHDLoad cannot find the required files to load the Games To make sure they are there, please re-run the “Copy Amiga […]
Digital and DRM are EVIL!
As a Gamer, I have and will always love and even prefer “Physical DRM-Free Copies” of Games, without any DRM whatsoever, and we should always make this paramount as Gamers, that if we purchase a Game, We can play it forever, without any sort of restrictions The reason for this is tenfold, Let me explain, […]
Can anyone help find 7 Blocks?

Stuart Fisher who created Matchstick Man which I reviewed a while back, also created a Licenceware Game called 7 Blocks I am hoping someone has this Game or can help find it, since Stuart and even myself would like to find it Stuart explains it as follows: 7 Blocks. It was a “licenceware” game where […]
KS13 Games coming to KS31
I have recently found a Generic Kickstart 1.3 WHDLoad Loader (Right) So I started testing all the Kickstart 1.3 Games with it to see which would load and play correctly This now means means some Kickstart 1.3 Games can now be played under Kickstart 3.1 so no more having to switch between Kickstarts in order […]
Changed Menu System
Starting from March 2022, The Menu System will be powered by AmigaGuide, This new format also allows me to add Documentation in-line with each Game (if its available) and looks nicer and has better navigation than the older Menu System I used Advantages: Can add Document and other links to each Game The Menus look […]
Big Changes Afoot!
The Games Collection Downloads (as of 2021-09-27) have now been changed from HDF files to Folder-style, this method gets past the rather pathetic 49MB HDF limitation under Kickstart 1.3 (not sure if it is a bug in WinUAE with the way it handles HDF files or if it is indeed a limitation of Kickstart 1.3 […]