Author: Amiga Boing

Double Squares

This is Double Squares by Manfred Kopp in 1992 You have a 10 x 10 Grid in front of you, and you need to set as many tiles on the board as possible, each tile has an inner and outer square, upto 10 different colours, The Game can also be played with 1-2 players You […]

Hollywood Trivia

Let’s have some Hollywood Trivia by Town Crier Productions in 1990 This is a Quiz Game, Where you are presented with a Question and 4 possible answers, based off the selectable subjects in the Game, which are: Star Trek, Star Trek The Next Generation, M*A*S*H, Star Wars, Television, Music, Indiana Jones and Hitchhikers Guide to […]

International Karate + (IK+)

This months “Commercial Game of the Month” simply has to goto International Karate + (IK+) from 1988 by The Late Archer Maclean (1962-2022, 60) Today would have been Archer Maclean’s 63rd Birthday, Born 28th January 1962, so Happy Birthday in Heaven to Archer – Rest in Peace Sir! This brilliant gem by The Late Archer […]

Games Added (but not Reviewed)

Since I have announced the end of this Gaming Blog at the end of December 2025 – I have now decided to whack as many Games onto the Collection as I possibly can, meaning you get More Games to play, at the small cost of No Review, I will be still doing the Friday Reviews […]

Super Tron ’97

This is Super Tron ’97 by Ronny Nordqvist in 1993 Tron is based on the movie Tron from 1982, Where you have been teleported inside a Computer-Generated World, where you race your Tron Cycle In this Game you control a coloured line, and your object is to make it as long as possible, You need […]

Blog Ending – Dec 2025

I am looking for someone to completely take over the helm at Amiga Boing Blog at the End of this Year in December 2025 Sadly I have to hang up my hat here, Real Life Issues, which I do not wish to discuss, have been building up over quite a while now, and I feel […]

Tron Light Cycles

This is Tron Light Cycles by an Unknown Author Tron is a Game where you take control of a Light Cycle (or in this case a Line on the screen) and your task is to create the longest line possible without dying This version has the option of up to 2 Human Players and a […]

Banshee AGA

The Commercial Game of the Month this time goes to Banshee (AGA) by Core Design in 1994 This is a Great Shoot-Em-Up game, and you can take a few hits before you die, rather than die outright when one shot hits you Banshee is quite challenging at times, there are times when so many enemies […]

Snail Racing

It is time for Snail Racing, Created with AMOS Professional by Eloise Summerfield from 1996 This keyboard-based Game is a pretty simple Snail Racing Game, in which you need to firstly feed your snail with certain foods per day, in order to compete in the race on Saturday, also you do not race on Sundays, […]


Here is Psycheual by Ben James This is a top-down space-station themed shooter, which is more or less a Pretty Decent Clone of the Commercial Game, Alien Breed You are dropped onto a Space Station, which has become infected with a virus, and it is your job to decommission it, to do this you need […]

Punter (V1=PD) (V2=F1LW)

This is Punter by Steve and Belinda Bye from 1996 There are 2 versions of this Game, V1 which was released as PD, and V2 which was an improved version which was released under F1 Licenceware, Both versions are included As you can probably tell, this is a Horse Racing Game with Betting Elements pre-race, […]

Changes To Updater

I have made some changes to the Updater this month, Basically renamed the Update file itself, so I can push out more Updates each month Instead of it downloading “Update-yyyy-mm.7z” it will now look for “Update.7z” as I think this is a better way going forward, so if I release updates, I can just notify […]

Christmas Lemmings Demo [D]

Today’s Commercial Game of the Month is Lemmings – A Triple Pack of Lemming-ness – Includes Lemmings Christmas 1991, Lemmings Christmas 1992, and Holiday Lemmings 1994! Thought I would go all out this year, and give you 3 Lemmings Demos, all have unique levels and varying levels of difficulty, will you chose to save them […]

Classic Pucman

This Game is Classic Pucman by Augenblick in 1996, Released under F1 Licenceware This is another one of my favourite F1 Licenceware Games, and is a really Great Pac-Man Game, as with all Pac-Man Games, The basic principle is the same, you have to eat all the dots (worth 10 points each) on the level […]

Touch ‘N’ Go

This is Touch ‘N’ Go by Alan Carter / Cartersoft Productions in 1994, Released under F1 Licenceware I have wanted to Review this for quite a while as it is a favourite Game of mine, and I play it an awful lot You start the Game and are a Green Blob with Yellow Eyes, and […]

Boris Ball

This is Boris Ball by Ben Wyatt from 1995 – Released via F1 Licenceware Here we have a brilliantly made Bat’N’Ball Game, which apparently was inspired by the Public Domain Game, Megaball 3 which I reviewed a while ago As in other Bat ‘N’ Ball style Games your aim is to clear the levels of […]

KGB (also known as Conspiracy on the PC CD Version)

The Commercial Game of the Month is KGB by Virgin Games/Cryo from 1992(also known as Conspiracy on the PC CD Version) You play as Captain Maksim Mikhailovich Rukov who recently was trasferred from Department P from the GRU, who needs to investigate possible corruption inside the KGB itself after a private eye was found murdered […]

Present Drop 3

Today it is the turn of Present Drop 3 by Rob Smith, Coded in AMOS In this Game you are travelling up a mountain in the harsh cold weather (poor santa) and your task is again to collect presents which are dotted around the ski slope, and avoid the nasties which will randomly appear It […]

Present Drop 2

Today it is the turn of Present Drop 2 by Rob Smith, Coded in AMOS This time Santa is flying above a city, and your task is to fill his Sliegh with the correct presents as shown on the lower half of the Sleigh You are a trainee elf, so you must impress santa with […]

Present Drop

Today it is the turn of Present Drop by Rob Smith, Coded in AMOS In this rather comical game, Your task is to drop presents down chimney pots what stick up from the houses below, while avoiding crashing into them which gives an instant Game Over There are pickups dotted around, some in hard to […]

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