Author: Amiga Boing

Hop To The Top

This is Hop To The Top by Rob Smith in 2023, Created in AMOS Here you have to “Hop to the Top” on lush Green platforms while collecting all the eggs, which give you vital energy as you go, while an energy bar ticks down, so you must be fast here As it is Raining, […]

Amiga Boing Blog Celebrates its 4th Birthday

Today Amiga Boing Blog is 4 years old – What a journey so far eh? – Plenty to do here still Not only am I building the largest Public Domain, Shareware and Freeware Games (collectively “PD”) Collection the Amiga has ever seen (and you can even copy them to a Real Amiga since I started […]

Bunny’s Revenge

This is Bunny’s Revenge by Rob Smith, Written in AMOS Here you need to escape the zombie-fested rabbit warren, you have a timer at the top of the screen, if you do not move, the rabbits will move after this timer expires, They also move when you do, so avoiding them at all costs is […]

Bunny’s Bounty

This is Bunny’s “Amiga Boing Ball” Bounty by Rob Smith from 2024 Now this is quite an interesting Game, it takes place on a huge Amiga Boing Ball, where you take control of the cute little bunny, and your task is to collect all the eggs on the level, while avoiding the Red Bombs There […]

Manic Miner II

The Commercial Game of the Month has to be Manic Miner II by Software Projects in 1990 Well what can I say about this Game, Quite a lot actually, It is as you can tell this is a modern remake of the original Manic Miner from the Commodore 64, with larger graphics and a larger […]

Super Skoda Challenge

It is time for some Super Skoda Challenge from 1991, by Mike Dodd, Written in AMOS This top-down racer has you racing around the track, and can be played by between 2 to 4 players, which are coloured Red, Green, Blue and Yellow respectively The Aim of the Game is to Shoot your opponents, while […]

Racing Maniacs

This is Racing Maniacs by Paul Gaze in 1993 Here is another Car Racing Game, which shows you a front bumper view from your Car, you are racing alongside a Computer Player, or there is a 2-Player option as well There are tokens (if enabled via the Game Options) dotted around the track, and you […]

More Kickstart 1.3 Games Coming In 2025

I am now working through The Assassins Disks, and many of those Games will not run correctly under Kickstart 2/3 so they will need to be included on the Kickstart 1.3-side of the Games Collection These will be split into sections, as there were quite a lot of them, around 260+ disks stuffed full of […]

O2 Contract Scam

Please note if you are with O2 they are ringing from an 020 number (London, UK) which when I checked it against an online database does *NOT* come up as anything related to O2 I checked the Official O2 Number and it said “O2 Customer Services” on the number checking website, so please always check […]

Moose Drive

Here we have, Moose Drive, by Graham Dean in 1993 Now this is a decent well made Racing Game, from the top-down perspective with some really decent Graphics and Music throughout The Graphics are quite detailed, from the advertisement signs, to the stands of people watching, and even some trees dotted around At the top […]

High Octane

Today it is time for some High Octane by Paul Overy from 1993 This Car-racing Game can be played by 1 or 2 players, in a rather tiny split-screen mode, Your Car is also equipped with missiles what you can fire against your opponent Visually the Games Graphics are pretty decent, and the screen has […]

Tetris Duel AGA

This is Tetris Duel by Nigel Hughes in Blitz Basic 2 Another flavour of Tetris comes in, as with all Tetris Games, you need to build lines to progress as far as you can As with all Tetris Games, random pieces drop from the top, to which you can rotate them, push them down faster, […]

Midnight Resistance

The Commercial Game-of-the-month this time is Midnight Resistance by Ocean/Special FX in 1990 Your mission is to rescue your family, You get initially armed with a pea shooter style weapon, which you can use to shoot enemies, they are in Blue Skins and Yellow Skins The Yellow Skinned Enemies will drop an Item upon being […]

Solid 2 AGA

This is Solid 2 AGA, by S.A.Z. Huybrechts (Bash) Another Bat ‘N’ Ball Game enters the arena, This one is a left to right affair, and you can play against the Computer as well, and is like Pong from the Arcades You play on the Left, and your opponent or computer plays on the Right, […]

Slider AGA

This is Slider, a Puzzle Game, Written by Joseph Carlson in 1995 In this Game, you are presented with a Grid of Numbers, once you shuffle the Grid, You can then start clicking them to re-arrange them back into Numerical Order You use your mouse to click on the tiles in order to move them […]

Bulder AGA

This is a Boulderdash-Clone called Bulder by Steve Yrjana As most of us know by now, In Boulderdash and in Bulder, Your object is to collect enough Diamonds to open the exit, while avoiding the Fireflys and Bugs which will kill on contact There are the various objects, like Stones which can fall on you […]

Attack Of The Petscii Robots

This time it is Attack of the PETSCII Robots by David Murray (The 8-Bit Guy) from 2021 Personally this Game takes quite a while to learn, ideally you should watch The Tutorial Video to get the basics of what you need to do in this Game, Going in Blind is not recommended, But once you […]


This is XII by Alastair Murray, Written in AMOS You can have upto 4 players on this Game, or even computer players Your task is quite simple, eliminate the other players to win, there are plenty of pickups dotted around the map as well as special tiles, which will move you in one direction There […]

Manic Miner

The Commercial Game of the Month has to be Manic Miner by Stephen McMaster in 1990 The object of Manic Miner is to collect enough keys to open up that Golden Exit (well its not Golden as such, But it sounded better -ed) which will only open up once all keys have been collected, then […]

Countdown To Extinction

Here is Countdown to Extinction by Alistair Murray This is the Third of 3 Games in this Series: Traitor, Hanger 18, and Countdown To Extinction This Game is a Prequal to Traitor which in turn is prequal to Hanger 18, so mostly the Gameplay is more or less the same, although the Mission Screens will […]

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