This is Alien Pong Trilogy by Gareth Griffiths from 1997, Written in AMOS Professional

In this Bat ‘N’ Ball Game you have to keep the Ball in play as long as possible to rack up those points

You control 2 of the outer bats (one far left, one far right) the Computer controls 2 in the middle, and will try and bat the ball back at you, so you need to be quick to bat it back, or lose it out of the playing field

You start with 5 lives, and gain 5 points each time your bat hits the ball, and once you reach a preset number of points (which can be user defined in the Options menu) the Game will end

There is also a Training Mode where you can train yourself, however in this mode, a wall will appear on the right, and when the ball bounces back, you need to hit it back towards the wall, this mode only ends when you press FIRE which quits this Game Mode

Sadly this is an annoying problem with this Game, where if you press the FIRE button during play, it instantly quits back to the main menu, I would have used the ESC key to quit the Game, as you can easily press FIRE during play, and lose your entire progress, which is a real shame

Code: Gareth Griffiths
Music: KB-Zip, Jogeir Liljedahl

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