This is Android Arena by Riccardo Goghero

In this rather strange Game, 5 androids come out of a ship, and line up, now you maybe thinking you have control of all these 5 or it gives you 5 lives, how wrong I truly was

Your task is to reach the exit door on each level, while avoiding all enemies, this is quite difficult I would say, as there are enemy spawners in the level which constantly spawn enemies which you must either kill or avoid, along with UFO type enemies which fly around randomly

One robot walks through a portal, and then you begin the level with this 1 android, your task is to shoot orb type objects which come from the centre of the map area, there is also a big red ufo what flies around, which can also be destroyed, if any of them touch you its an instant Game Over

There are some bullet-styled (red/yellow) up arrows on the floor, and if you touch these you instantly die, and its Game Over

The only disappointing thing of this Game is the fact the enemies move at a quick pace, and with only ONE single life before Game Over, it makes it quite difficult to progress much, I am sure I just had good luck getting to Level 4 of this Game

Code: Riccardo Goghero

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