This is Aquanaut by Phil Ruston in 1995, Released under F1 Licenceware

Aquanaut is a Shoot ‘Em Up, viewed from the side-perspective, and is a pretty well made Game

Atlantic HQ have lost contact with their top secret underwater base, Aquasphere 1. The last transmissions from the base were unclear but it is being officially reported to personal that unknown terrorist forces have invaded the complex.. As pilot of THE SHARK, the latest hi tech armed submersible, you have been brought in to investigate.

You start in Section 1, Encounter at Shark Reef, where you have to kill Jellyfish, Swordfish and Sharks among other fixed enemies which will fire bullets in your direction, and there are Supply Tanks which need to be blown up to reveal their contents which you should collect

You have an on screen HUD positioned at the bottom of the screen, this shows you Power, your current weapon, Score and your Lives left

More Information about F1 Licenceware can be found here – Sadly they are no longer in operation, I asked for permission initially from Andy Kellett who owned F!LW who gave me permission to distribute, and also managed to contact Phil Ruston who have both gave me permission to release these Games

Code: Phil Ruston
Graphics: Phil Ruston
Sound: Phil Ruston
Music: Anthony N. Putson

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