Today we have for you a game of Concentration called Amigatration by Gabe Dalbec in 1990
In this game you need to concentrate and find the matching pairs, once you have a pair, it will remain revealed until you find other pairs, which will also be revealed, and you keep going until you complete the whole grid
There are various Game Options, You can customize the Number of Players, and even the Game Play Size from a small central grid, to a full size screen grid
Sadly which I would say is disappointing, there is no music or even basic sound effects here, You just basically click around the grid with your Mouse, matching the objects together until it says “Congratulations” in the top right corner
You can customise the Game by editing the brushes file to add new objects or icons, But apart from that, there is no other customization options sadly
There is no actual Title Screen for this Game, and for some reason the About button is non-functional, despite my attempts at trying to diagnose the problem with Snoopdos for example, such as a missing file
The game itself is, at its basic level, pretty well designed, and it is fun to play with some Music on in the background, but for me personally, the lack of any Sound Effects at the very least, is quite disappointing, I would have liked to see some sort of “Click” sound at the very least, and perhaps a “Horray!” sound when you picked 2 items, and maybe a fanfare when you cleared the Grid completely, but sadly alas, all Sound Effects are missing
Code: Gabe Dalbec