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Where the world bounces around backwards.. - On my way to building the largest Public Domain / Shareware / Freeware Amiga Collection Ever! - Come join me on this Epic Journey

Pacman (PP)

Pacman-April starts off with the powerprograms.nl version of Pacman, Created by Jeroen Knoester, sadly this was never fully completed, but it is still fully playable! Now as many Pacman games go, its basically the same principle of eating the dots while avoiding the ghosts, and eating power pellets so you can then eat the ghosts […]

Breakout (PP)

Breakout is a game by Jeroen Knoester from powerprograms.nl, Created using the AMOS Programming Language – This is basically a decent Arkanoid (Arcade) remake or clone in effect, and it has various powerups which alter gameplay, for example adjusting the size of your bat etc It has some rather nice title screen music as well, […]

Mine Runner

Forgive me but I am actually well hyped over this game! Mine Runner was made by Matthias Bock in April 2002 for the Amiga, and was originally Shareware, But is now Freeware (http://www.lazycow.de/minerunner/index.html) It is based off Lode Runner (Arcades) where you have to collect all the Gold Bars (actually pictured as Red Blocks inside […]

Digger (Dig-Dug Clone)

Digger is a great remake of the Arcade Classic “Dig-Dug” and works in exactly the same way, You start off in the middle of the screen, in which your aim is to kill off all the enemies to proceed In order to defeat the enemies, You either need to inflate them with your equipped tool, […]

Trix (Qix Clone)

Trix by G.Hales is a simple “fill the screen in” type-of-game, which is similar to Qix from the Arcades, You get points for filling the screen above a preset fill level (eg. 60%) which increases over time, making it more difficult Unusually for this game, there is no Title Screen Graphics, it simply starts off […]

Top Secret

This time around it is Top Secret, Originally featured in Amiga Power Magazine way back in 1992, Wow how time files eh? In Top Secret, You are the Purple Guy with the Bombs, and you need to collect all the Floppy Disks in order to proceed through the game (Remember those? haha!) while avoiding the […]

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad is quite a decent platformer, Created by Scott Hayne in 1993, In Fruit Salad, You play as Brewster, It starts off showing Brewster and his mates playing and jumping around, then the Evil Triax appears, and Brewster hides behind a bush, while Triax converts your friends into enemies, leaving poor Brewster to rescue […]

Snake Pit

Snake Pit is a game by MKSoft Development, way back in 1988, and the objective of this very simple game, is to collect the gems on each level, while avoiding your own growing body and tail, as if you touch your body or your tail, you lose a live, luckily this game is pretty generous […]

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is a Great Classic to play, The game opens up with the Gorilla climbing to the top, holding your Girl, then he slowly moves to the Left of the screen in a Jumping motion, thereby collapsing the Steel Girders into the design as shown above, once the cut scene is finished, you start […]


This is Dozer, no its not a sleepy game, far from it, In this game you control a Bulldozer, which allows you to push Blocks, of which only sides marked Green can be pushed (eg. Green bottomed Blocks can only be pushed up, for example) When you start, the level has one or more pushable […]

Locomotion [D]

This is Locomotion, a very simple Train-based game, in which you must redirect Trains to their correct stations, within a tight time limit, If you hold the Right Mouse Button, you can temporarily speed up the game, can be useful if you are waiting for the Last Train to make it into a Station before […]

Flag Catcher

Flag Catcher is a very nice simple game, in which you pick squares off a grid, in order to try and reveal the Red Flag to complete the level Along the way, there are Bombs, which will clear the entire game board of tiles, back to the original Blue, so memorizing tiles is a must […]

Fire and Ice Christmas [D]

It’s Christmas with Cool Coyote, in the Christmas Edition of Fire and Ice to bring some Christmas Cheer to you all! Please also see the Fire & Ice Demo version as well You start off with a Pellet Gun, which fires freezing orbs, which if they touch an enemy, they will temporarily freeze it in […]

Cannon Fodder [D]

Cannon Fodder has to be one of my all time favourite games, Released in 1993 by Sensible Software, Your aim is to use your little green soldiers, to kill, and blow up the enemy (in blue) and any houses/huts they have, while trying to survive and go onto the Next Mission. After each Mission you […]

Deluxe Pacman

Deluxe Pacman is a great version of Pacman, Written by the Late Edgar M. Vigdal, this game is so much nicer than Pacman, it has powerups, lovely background music on both the main menu and high score boards (sometimes it can have modified music, But you can reinstate the original and best music, if you […]

Premier Picks

Premier Picks, is a card game, Written in AMOS by Tim Blacklock, based solely around the game of Football (or “Soccer” to my American Visitors) You pick cards from a grid, some will be goals (the large ball in-front of the goal), Penalties (ball in front of the full goal), Yellow Cards, Missed (ball at […]

George and the Repton-Clone AGA

Well what can I say about this gem of a game, It is a very well made game, You play as “George” (the guy with the “G” on his shirt (top-middle of lower image), and the aim is to get the gems which somewhat resemble diamonds (the red/green items), as well as on some levels, […]

Tetris Pro

Here is the Ultimate in Tetris games, Tetris Pro, Created by Logic Systems, way back in 1993 The gameplay is exactly the same as Tetris, but what makes this game stand out above the other clones, is the nice background music and the gameplay elements, such as special tiles which can cause screen flips and […]


Megaworm which was written by Kirk D’Souza in Devpac 3, is a take on a Classic Worm Game, in which you have to pick up (in this case) White dots to progress through the levels, You can optionally play with a dumb computer player, well I say dumb, but on the earlier levels he can […]

Wizzys Quest

Wizzys Quest is a fun game, You play the Red character, who has to guide the Wizard (in Purple) to the Exit door, by building a pathway, You also have to avoid all the enemies, whereas the Wizard is immune to all of them, since he puts up a shield at the start when you […]

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