This Commercial Game is called Blobz which was released in 1996 by Apex Systems
What can I say about this absolute cracker called Blobz, Well it follows a very similar theme to Lemmings, where in this case, you guide little tiny “Blobz” on the path towards the Exit Portal
In a similar theme, You pick certain tasks for the Blobz to perform, such as jumping, changing direction, and firing rockets, these must be timed well otherwise you may lose some Blobz and fail to complete the mission
Your Blobz will teleport in from the Starting Teleporter, and then it is your task to guide them using all the abilities available, towards the Exit Portal, where you will then be presented with a Level End screen, showing you how well you did
Along the way, there are many obsticles which must be overcome in order to complete the level, such as pits, where your Blobz can fall down, especially those pits near the bottom of the screen, which will certainly end in you losing your Blobz, Spikes which can kill your Blobz, and other nasties await you in-game
I am very impressed at this Game, it is definately well made, and the Music and Sound Effects are top class, even the Graphics are very detailed, and are one of the many reasons why I bought this game back in the day, it is really so much fun to play
Thankfully thier is an 8-level Demo too, which I will feature on the Games Collection and Amiga Forever RP9 Format, so you too can play this Brilliantly made masterpeice for yourself!
Publisher: Apex Systems
Code: David Reed
Graphics: David Reed
Music: Paul Barnard
Sound: Paul Barnard