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Where the world bounces around backwards.. - On my way to building the largest Public Domain / Shareware / Freeware Amiga Collection Ever! - Come join me on this Epic Journey


Here we have, Traitor, by Alastair Murray from 1994 This is the First of 3 Games in this Series: Traitor, Hanger 18, and Countdown To Extinction This is a 2D action game, where you are on Planet Earth in the year 2025 A.D. (that is only next year -ed) Ahem, anyway the story goes (this […]

Hanger 18

This is Hanger 18, Written in AMOS, by Alastair Murray in 1995 This is the Second of 3 Games in this Series: Traitor, Hanger 18, and Countdown To Extinction You are a prisoner who has been framed, and were sentenced to life in prison on Mars, your task is to rescue other prisoners and make […]

Base Jumpers [D]

Todays commercial Game of the Month is Base Jumpers, by Shadow Software, in 1995 The object of this Game is to Climb the Tower from inside, defeating enemies along the way, flicking switches and bouncing upto the top You can also pick up letters along the way, when you form a certain combination of letters, […]

Computer Conflict

Now this is Computer Conflict by Dr.Grafix in 1996 This is another SEUCK-Based Game, where you shoot aliens with your space ship You have various enemies, such as ones what look like Space Invader Monsters, and the Space Invader Spaceship what usually flies across the top in Space Invaders, and various pickups, such as the […]

Bop ‘N’ Plop

This little Gem is called Bop ‘N’ Plop by Andrew Fereday Now this is one game I do like to revisit and play, Plenty of action from the outset and onwards, makes this possibly my favourite SEUCK Game of them all You are above the clouds, and you have plenty of varied enemies to shoot […]


Here we have, Blob by Chris Clarke, Created in Shoot Em Up Construction Kit You are a Blob in this Game, and you can only touch certain tiles (which are explained on the Title Screen) in order to progress through the level, if you land on a gap between any tile, you will lose a […]

Air Ace 2

Here we have, Air Ace II by Robert Grace – A Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit Game released in 1989 This is a flying Game, where Your aim is to rack up a high score while avoiding gunfire from other planes Graphically it is quite well detailed, You are flying over some pretty decent landscape, consisting of […]

Space Invasion II

Here we have Space Invasion II by Kevin Gallagher This is yet another Space Invaders Clone, where you must defeat the Invaders before they get to the bottom of the screen You also have 4 green bases you can hide under, and shoot through if you want to that is, shoot at the sides of […]

Buggy Boy

The Commercial Game for this month is Buggy Boy by Elite in 1988 You drive your Buggy around collecting Flags, and driving through Gate Bonuses which range from 100, 250 and even 500 There are 5 Tracks to choose from, including Offroad, North, East, West and South Tracks, each with its own design, some what […]

Space Invasion

Today it is time for Space Invasion by Kevin Gallagher This Game is a Space Invaders Clone, with overly huge Graphics, and trust me they are huge, and as all Space Invader Games, You do not really need me to tell you how to play this Game The object is of course to shoot the […]


This is Gorf by Kevin Gallagher from 1993 Earth is being attacked by the evil Gorfian Robot, your job as a trainee Space Cadet is to stop the Gorfian Empire in its tracks by blasting them to bits with your Space Ship There are 5 WAVES to overcome, and each time you destroy the flagship, […]

Dodge Em

This is Dodge’Em by Kevin Gallagher in 1993 You start with 3 lives, and the aim of the game is to use your yellow car to collect as many dots as you can while avoiding the green cars, what will try to stop you You drive your car down tracks, and at each junction/opening you […]

Atari ST – 39 Years Old (1985-2024)

Well this is the Atari ST, released in June 1985, 39 years ago, and I never actually ever owned one of these, although a friend of mine had one thanks to his wonderful parents (well maybe not heh) The Atari ST was not a favourite machine of mine, I did, and still do think it […]


This is Hotblox, by J P Hamilton in 1993 Yet another Tetris-clone which is quite decent, This one allows 2 Players to battle it out against each other as well Again, You have to get Lines to get Points, and try not to have empty spaces in lines, as these can hinder your gameplay if […]


This is Tettrix, by Niall Sommerville, Written in AMOS Let’s begin by saying this Tetris flavour is very much Horizontal in perspective, where the pieces begin at the left side of the screen, and move slowly to the right (unless you press the Right Mouse button, in which case they instantly SNAP! to the right) […]

Amiga 500 – 37 Years Old (1987-2024)

This is the Amiga 500, code-named “Rock Lobster”, which is now 37 years old It was announced in January 1987, and was released in April 1987 in the Netherlands, and May 1987 in Europe, and cost 499 GBP, which was later reduced to 399 GBP in 1988 It used the standard 880KB Floppy Disks, and […]


This is Tetron, a Tetris-clone, Written in AMOS by Alchemy / Peter Fregon Yet another Tetris-Clone I hear you cry, Yes that is correct, this one is pretty well designed, on a Grey-coloured Background, with Red boxed areas, which show you your Current Score, Level, Next Peice, and some Statistics The Game can be fully […]

Bubba ‘N’ Stix [D]

The Game of the Month this time, goes to Bubba ‘N’ Stix, by Core Design in 1994 You star as Bubba, and you have a Stix, in this cartoony-style Game, your task is to hit and kill enemies with your stick, which you can also throw at enemies as well, pick up various items dotted […]


This is Tetren, a Tetris-clone, Written in AMOS by Andy Whiteley in 1992 This Game is very well designed, and actually very nice to play, along with the normal Tetris rules, and peices (no obscure peices here I promise, just the standard Tetris peices), as well as some smashing background music, both on the Title […]

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