Commodore PET – 47 Years Old (1977-2024)

Well since it is the Commodore PET’s 47th Birthday (January 1977), and because it was created in the year I was born, I thought I would do a little Tribute to the old machine

The PET had a MOS 6502 CPU at 1MHz, originally shipped with 4K RAM (later models had 8K), a text display 40 X 25, and a built in 9″ Screen

I never owned one, so I do not know that much about them, except for what I watched on the BBC Series Electric Dreams The 1970s episode features one of these computers, and while it was very basic, it did look like a very nice office style computer for its time

Certainly its build quality was pretty good, a solid frame including both the keyboard and the monitor, and even a cassette tape drive to load the programs into it, it also had the programming language BASIC on there, which was also on a few other computers of that era, which allowed anyone to program things in

Check out the Old Computers PET Page as well


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