Another PD classic has to be Battlements by Scallywag / Blatant Rip-offs PLC (LOL!)
This game is written in the AMOS programming language, and features Quasimodo, who you control, and the aim is to complete each short 1-screened level, while a guard slowly climbs the stairs at the start, and then proceeds to walk towards the bell, which is your aim on each level
On loading, You are presented with the rather bland, dry looking menu system, which to be fair is adequate but badly designed, which allows you to Play, choose a Starting Level, or you can play Random Levels, which makes the game harder, as it will pick quite a lot of the harder levels for the first ones, and we also have Instructions which is self-explanatory, along with the Hall Of Fame, which lists the players with the highest score, While the menu system itself is badly designed, and poorly implemented, the gameplay is rather quite good
There are various obsticles, such as Fire, Arrows which can either move left or right on the screen, and underneath the pathway, you sometimes get Guards who will jump up with spikey sticks to kill you, and sometimes this is replaced by a few cannons what shoot balls upwards in order to kill you
There are 2 square boxes at the left/right of the screen, which remain on screen on all levels, sometimes these have men in which fire arrows out at a weird angle in order to catch you during your crossing!
When you start, the game shows you your current lives and score at the top, and there is a pleasant tune playing as background music, both on the Title Screen (with some speech) and also an In-Game Tune, but sadly lacking is any in-game sound effects, The graphics are also very well designed, and this does prove that anyone can make a decent game in AMOS
NOTE: Source code for this is included as Battlements.AMOS – and it is actually run by RAMOS