I have been trying to bottle it up for a while, infact since February, But this week it made me miss Fridays Game Review, for which I apologise so much

My Auntie, who has suffered with Skitsophrenia mostly all her life, since around her teenage years, has become very ill since February, and has been in Hospital ever since, While I have tried to “carry on as normal” obviously I slipped up this week

Despite me trying my best to “soldier on” this week, I slipped up here, for which I humbly apologise, It is not my intention to miss, But things have built up over several months

I am extremely sorry for missing posting Fridays Review of Giddy II (2024-04-26), which I have done today (2024-04-29), I hope you understand, I am still committed to bringing you the Largest Games Collection Ever for the Amiga, and hell and high water, I am continuing on, despite my Real Life Issues


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