Snail Racing
It is time for Snail Racing, Created with AMOS Professional by Eloise Summerfield from 1996
This keyboard-based Game is a pretty simple Snail Racing Game, in which you need to firstly feed your snail with certain foods per day, in order to compete in the race on Saturday, also you do not race on Sundays, The Snail needs a rest sometime right?
You have the choice between 5 different foods, namely Sugar, Crisps, Lettuce, Cabbage and Apple – Put these in the order you want to feed your snail in order to prepare them for the Big Race Day on Saturday
If you pick the wrong foods, you will not win the race, so choose wisely, and enjoy Snail Racing in your own home with these Virtual Snails
Code: Eloise Summerfield
Graphics: Eloise Summerfield
Views: 6