Here is Countdown to Extinction by Alistair Murray
This is the Third of 3 Games in this Series: Traitor, Hanger 18, and Countdown To Extinction
This Game is a Prequal to Traitor which in turn is prequal to Hanger 18, so mostly the Gameplay is more or less the same, although the Mission Screens will tell you what to do in each level
In this version, you begin with a map with 3 selectable places to explore, Los Angeles, Detroit, or Middlesborough, The rest are unselectable
You are a soldier, with a few weapons given to you, which will come in handy during the Game, it is Mouse and Joystick controlled, you move the character with the Joystick and click buttons on the screen with your mouse
Your task is to complete the mission given to you, you can explore buildings dotted around the map, climb up ladders, and even parachute off buildings, pick up various weapons, and ammo for them, and talk to the in game characters who will give you information
NOTE: On Mission Complete or even Mission Failed, The Game will Quit out, I have not been able to solve this, But you can restart the Game and play another mission, although since it quits out, The progress is not saved, If anyone can help fix this (I have of course checked for missing files with SnoopDOS for example, none appear to be missing, although there were no fonts included with the Game, and the Game does not list what the Original Font names were, But I assume if it is a Font issue, the Game would refuse to load to begin with?
Code: Alastair Murray
Graphics: Alastair Murray, Philip Nichols
Music: Rotter & Snake of Zeus, Rogue Male