This months “Commercial Game of the Month” simply has to goto International Karate + (IK+) from 1988 by The Late Archer Maclean (1962-2022, 60)
Today would have been Archer Maclean’s 63rd Birthday, Born 28th January 1962, so Happy Birthday in Heaven to Archer – Rest in Peace Sir!
This brilliant gem by The Late Archer Maclean has to be one of the best Amiga Commercial Games ever written, it’s Graphics, Sound and Music, are embedded in history, the style and movement of the characters absolutely trumps other Games hands down
When the Game starts, there are 3 players, You are the White player, and there is also a Red and Blue player, upto 2 players can play this Game, one remains as a Computer Player
Each round, you need to knock out your opponents, and every 2 rounds there is a bonus game, which can be either, deflecting bouncing balls, or kicking away bombs before they explode
There is only one background, which shows a rather lovely picturesque scene of a sunset, glistening over the water, sometimes you can see spiders and a periscope can sometimes be seen as well, you can press certain keys on the keyboard to interact with the background scene, which is quite a nice touch
You can even type any curse word, where the Game will warn you once, and upon typing it again, will reset the Game, causing your progress to be lost (haha, that’ll teach you -ed)
Thanks Archer for making one of the best fighting games out there on the beloved Amiga
Find out more about Archer Maclean: Wikipedia | Interview
YouTube: Creating IK+ || Comparison of IK+ Ports
Lemon Amiga: IK+ Cheat Codes
Code: Archer Maclean
Graphics: Archer Maclean
Sound: Archer Maclean
Music: Dave Lowe