This is Ultimate Fruit Machine by Late Storey written in AMOS Professional

As fruit machine style games go, this is a pretty basic one, and there is some music included, although no actual sound effects sadly, which would have been a nice touch

There is all the usual things here, you can build up the pennies to put in your cash, you initially have 50 turns at the machine, and you can HOLD the wheels as well

The 3 wheels in the middle have all the usual fruits on them, as well as BAR, and £1 and other symbols

Not really a fan of this game, just seems rather dull and bland, and much like the “Non-LES Dennis Hangman” I feel its let down by its rather poor graphics, and lack of decent sound effects

The program itself is compiled, so there is no source code sadly, so improving on what is here, is pretty much dead in the water, much like the game itself sadly, and sadly there is a lack of information online about it, and the program has no documentation

Code: Late Storey

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