This is yet another “U” Game called, The Ultimate Quiz by Andy Gibson from 1993
Get your Quizzing hats on for this one, its a cut-down version for coverdisks, But this Quiz has a few questions in it to get you started
The Quiz is actually quite nicely designed, and has some decent sound effects, the questions are random each time, so you do not see the same ones returning if you want to start again
In this Quiz, you have a choice of 3 answers to pick to a question which shows in the central part of the screen, there is a timer which also counts down, so picking the correct answer quickly is key here
At the right hand side, there is your Timer, Score, the last High Score achieved, as well as your Credits, which will evaporate on answering a question wrong, and last but not least the actual Question number being asked
All you need to do is press START at the bottom left, and your questions will be shown, then pick the correct answer, using the A B and C buttons, to move onto the next question
This is a pretty well designed Quiz, and it could keep you busy for hours, maybe play against family or friends to challenge each other on how good you are
Code: Andy Gibson