This game is Escapade by Liam Donoghue, Written in AMOS

Escapade is another Bat’n’Ball type Game, where you have a Bat (in this case halfway up the screen) to hit a Ball into some Bricks which will disappear when hit

In this version, there are parachutes which drop with letters inside them, which are as follows C=Catch the Ball, L=Long Bat, R=Reduced Bat, S=Slow Ball, E=Extra Ball, N=Next Level, and Z=Zoom

You get points as well, for Normal Bricks, 10 points, for any Brick which needs more than 1 hit to break it, 30 points, and when collecting a parachute, you get 50 points, and finally 1000 points for completing a level

There is some Music on the Basic Title Screen which just shows the name of the Game itself, there is also a Scoreboard as well so you can at least try to get a better score with each game you play

NOTE: Due to this Game running far too fast like it is at a Disco it will be featured on the KS13 Games Collection so it will play at normal speed

Code: Liam Donoghue

Views: 131

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