This time it is the turn of Klondike by Peter Wiseman, which is quite a good version of Patience, as it is usually called, this version even allows you to design your own Card Decks in Deluxe Paint

When picking New Game from the menu system, You are dealt cards from the left to right, increasing in rows as they go upto 7 rows

Then you have to make rows of Red/Black/Red/Black, so if there is a Red 6 and a Black 5, You put the Black 5 on the Red 6, and so on, till all the cards are used up and you complete the game

There is the rest of the Card Deck at the top middle, where you can get New Cards to place on your racks, for example, if you do not have a Black 5 to place on the Red 6, then you can see if one exists in the Rack, or even another Stack on the screen

The game is very well designed, and plays well, and that is why I wanted to bring it to you, as it is one of the best Card Games on the Amiga

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