This is Tank Attack, a 2 to 4 Player Tank Game by Paul Kent from 1992

You really need a friend to play this with you, since there are sadly No Computer Opponents

In this Game, you are one of 4 Tanks, with the Aim of shooting your opponents and killing them, occasionally special items will appear which can give you abilities such as Extra Energy, Double Bullet Damage, Faster Bullets, Shield, Invisibility, Extra Speed, Exploding Bullets, and Non-Reflective Bullets

There are 25 levels in game, and it will randomly pick one of those on starting the game, and each new level afterwards

You can kill your opponents with Gun Fire and additionally Ramming into them, which will take Health off you and them, so be aware if you are the Same Health you will both die at the same time

At the top of the screen you have each of the information for the 4 Tanks, such as Energy, and Gun percentage, when the Gun percentage is less than 10% you have a Cool Down while it charges back up, which means for a while you can be vulnerable since you cannot Fire and defend yourself

In the middle top of the screen is the Level number, which will increase each round of the Game

Code: Paul Kent
Graphics: Stuart Smith

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