Amiga Boing Blog Celebrates its 2nd Birthday

Yes thats right, Amiga Boing Blog is Officially 2 Years Old – and there is still lots to do here, building the worlds largest Amiga PD/SW/FW Games Collection

What has been your Best Game so far this year, perhaps you play one Game more than another on the Games Collection, let me know your favourites via the Feedback button

I do really love doing this Blog for you all, So amazing how nice the Gaming Community is, and I have taken on board some of your suggestions moving forward, although I do still want to keep this Blog mostly “Amiga” of course, since that is the aim of the Blog, But I will cover some other Games from other systems in the near future, actually theres a few Commodore 64 Games which I think deserve a Review, which I will probably do a few occasionally starting in the New Year

While I will post about other systems I have loved, and owned, over the years, my aim is to keep it mainly Amiga, since this was the first computer I ever got, which has held a place in my heart ever since, from its vastly superior graphics quality, to its sound, its vision, and the Games, and not forgetting the Applications which were also created

The Amiga truly is a computer to own if you are a fan, and do not forget The A500 Mini, which originally I was not overly keen on, But I have found time to appreciate it, and the fact you can add WHDLoad Games onto it quite easily is a Big Bonus

There is still a long way to go for me, Building this Games Collection is going to take time, But the end result will be a Huge Games Collection including the Amigas Best Games all ready for you to play at the drop of a hat

I am always open to ideas, suggestions and feedback, as it really does help me, so please do not hesitate to drop me some Feedback and I will read every one, If you want a reply do not forget to drop your contact details in the message, a few sadly have omitted this so I cannot reply if I do not know where to send the reply

Thankyou again for keeping it Amiga

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