Amiga Boing Blog Celebrates its 1st Birthday!

Amiga Boing has been online a WHOLE YEAR, Making us ONE Year Old!

Over this time, I have made the Monthly Amiga Boing Games Collection, as well as making RP9 Files of the Games I have featured, It has been wonderful to see how many truly appreciate the Amiga, its vast library of Games, and I hope you appreciate what I am doing here as well, as I am doing this for everyone who loves the Amiga and its Gaming Empire!

The Amiga will always remain Special to me, from its vast library of Games, Talented Game Developers, and lets not forget its Utilities and Applications like Word Processors, and even Disk Copiers like X-Copy (which I am sure we all used back in the day, yes me included heh) to make a backup of a friends Game so we could still play it when they went back home

To the flawed Game protections, like that Dongle on Robocop (MVG), which was quickly cracked within a short time, I still fondly remember the time my Brother bought me Cannon Fodder for the Amiga, I was and still am Glued to that Game, It is more enjoyable each time I play it, and each mission, You find new ways of defeating the enemies, still so great to watch, lest we not forget the Real Life Tragedies of those who fell in WW1 and WW2, who gave us Freedoms which we still enjoy today

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