This is Slider, a Puzzle Game, Written by Joseph Carlson in 1995

In this Game, you are presented with a Grid of Numbers, once you shuffle the Grid, You can then start clicking them to re-arrange them back into Numerical Order

You use your mouse to click on the tiles in order to move them into an empty space, trying your best to arrange them back into Numerical Order

There are various Grid sizes you can use, from the small 4×4 to a large 8×8 playing area, obviously the more tiles you have, the longer it will take you to re-arrange them back into Numerical Order

The Game is Timed and counts upwards until you complete the puzzle, then it shows you your completed time, You can also Pause the Game at any time, which stops the clock until another peice is moved of your click Pause again to resume

You can also Configure some Game Settings before you begin, such as choosing the Grid size of the Playing Area

Code: Joseph Carlson

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