Now this is Computer Conflict by Dr.Grafix in 1996

This is another SEUCK-Based Game, where you shoot aliens with your space ship

You have various enemies, such as ones what look like Space Invader Monsters, and the Space Invader Spaceship what usually flies across the top in Space Invaders, and various pickups, such as the Commodore Logo, which give you an Extra Life

Graphically this Game is pretty detailed, from its space/land background, to the actual enemies themselves, which have a glow effect, making them very easy to see and avoid or kill

There is also an end of level boss, and the levels do have unique themes, such as Level 1 being set in Space, to Level 2 being set inside a High Voltage Factory, which even includes some Robocop Speech

Publisher: Nordlicht EDV-Service
Code: Dr. Grafix

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