This is Balder’s Grove by Morgan Antonsson from 1994, Written in AMOS
As you can no doubt tell, it is another Boulderdash clone, this time featuring some lush Green Grass, Snakes and Men, which follow a set path around the game area
The boulders in this case look a little bit like Gravestones, and yes if you are hit by one, You do end up losing a life, The Gems take shape of Rings, and when they fall they rotate to the side, just like the Boulders do
You also get the Mushrooms which will fill in an area before turning into Rings or Boulders if the area becomes too large
If you fancy yourself as a Level Designer, there is a Level Editor, which will allow you to create your own fancy levels to add into the Game
This game is quite a good Boulderdash Clone, and is quite good to play, I highly recommend playing this gem, it is a really nice well designed Game
Code: Morgan Antonsson