This is a Boulderdash-Clone called Bulder by Steve Yrjana

As most of us know by now, In Boulderdash and in Bulder, Your object is to collect enough Diamonds to open the exit, while avoiding the Fireflys and Bugs which will kill on contact

There are the various objects, like Stones which can fall on you and cost a life, these can also be pushed into an empty space, to get to unreachable areas for example, and they will stay on top of Dirt, but fall off Diamonds if a empty space is available, so can easily fall off and cost you a life

The Diamonds are scattered all about the levels, some in easy to reach places, while some may be near Enemies or even Boulder Traps, which all have to be avoided

There is a large play area, and along the right hand side is your Points, Time Left to complete the level, Diamond Count, and an Arrow which shows you how many Diamonds you need to collect to activate the exit

There is also a Special Objects counter shown underneath the Guy, which tells you how many of those you have, For example in Level 3, Your Special Object is an Exploding Orb, which you can fire at Bricks to explode them to continue on in the level

Fireflys also can be exploded by dropping a Boulder on their head, then they will explode into upto 9 Diamonds if the space allows, this trick can be used to get past Brick Wall barricades in the levels

The Amiga had many Boulderdash-clones and this one is sure to please all Boulderdash Fans alike, and with the AGA Graphics this Game looks superb, and is well worth playing!

If you had registered this back in the day for 12 USD/50 FIM, you would have got a Registered Version along with a Level Editor to build your own levels, and Highscores could be Saved as well

Code: Steve Yrjana

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