This is Tetron, a Tetris-clone, Written in AMOS by Alchemy / Peter Fregon

Yet another Tetris-Clone I hear you cry, Yes that is correct, this one is pretty well designed, on a Grey-coloured Background, with Red boxed areas, which show you your Current Score, Level, Next Peice, and some Statistics

The Game can be fully configured via its on screen buttons which go across the bottom edge of the screen, New Game, High Scores, Options, About, Help and finally Quit

This version has no music, But has some Sound Effects which are nicely done, the peices in this version are also coloured, for easy identification, and there are no weird or special Tetris peices here either, it is a pure basic Tetris-clone, along with a High Score Table, so you could even pit yourself against your friends, to see who can become the Tetris Champion!

There are various “Player Modes” in the Options screen, so be sure to check those out, such as One Player, One Player Level Challenge, Two Player, Custom 1 Player Level Challenge, Two Player Team, Two Player via Serial/Modem, and even Four Player via Serial/Modem as well – Making this Game very customizable indeed, There are other options as well, such as Show/Hide Next Peice, Show/Hide Score, Blocked Blocks, Show/Hide Statistics, Two Joysticks Option, Enable/Disable Sound, Fast Drop etc

There is also a Level Editor, where you can play levels which have been designed with the built-in Level Editor, You will need to goto Options to choose the Game Mode before you Begin

Publisher: Alchemy
Code: Peter Fregon

Views: 50

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